Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Fun little masks

We've all seen these in the dollar aisle at the craft store. Usually you just let your kids decorate them with paint or markers and with in days they are broke and thrown out.

But I've found a more adorable and lasting way to use these cute little masks. 


  • Crayola markers
  • scrap book paper (I used scraps I had stashed away)
  • black Sharpie
  • hole punch (only needed for the octopus- see below)
  • decoupage (Mod Podge) and foam brush
  • scissors
  • copies (use a scanner or go to Kinkos like I did and scan each mask. Take home the copies and cut out the sections. You will use these as the patterns when cutting out your scrap book paper. It's an extra step- but made it soooo much easier!)

Once you have all your supplies, cut out the sections of the copies you are going to want in paper. For example with the elephant- I used scrap book paper for just the ears and colored in the rest with markers. 

Once you have everything cut out. Go ahead and color the other sections. I used the Sharpie to go over the original detail on the masks that was being covered by paper and marker. For example the trunk marks on the elephant and smiles/mouths on most of the rest. 

Now grab your mod podge and start attaching the paper pieces. 

Once the paper pieces are dry, apply two coats of mod podge to the whole front surface. This will help seal the marker so it doesn't fade or bleed. 

That's it! My kids have had a ton of fun with these and they make an adorable gift! 

 Here's where I used the hole punch

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